Evening Elegance Information |
Orders are usually shipped within 24 hours. We provide USPS First Class Mail,
Priority Mail, Priority Express Mail and Priority Mail Interntional. If you need
to track your order, please contact us and we will provide the USPS tracking number.
Sales Tax: Sales tax will be charged on purchases made in California. Availability: Our site offers hundreds of different styles and colors. In order to provide this wide selection, we only stock a few of each. If an item you want is sold out please contact us and we will let you know if we can restock it. Cancellations or Modifications We are unable to cancel or modify orders once they are submitted. If you want to change or add to your order, please place a separate order for any item not in your original order. Any unwanted items can be returned. For product return instructions, please click on "Returns" at the bottom of the home page. |
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